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What Is Oil and Gas Safety?

Gas and oil safety can be a messy conundrum– excuse the pun. Oil and gas workers risk their lives every day. Even the tiniest of mistakes like a spark from a lit cigarette can have unfathomable consequences. Suffice it to say oil and gas management is one of the most dangerous and challenging tasks there is.

Potential Risks Run in the Oil and Gas Industry

Oil and gas extraction typically involves lots of different equipment and materials. Judging by the sheer intricacy of logistics involved, recognizing potential hazards indeed is paramount in preventing accidents, ergo injuries and possible deaths. Some common hazards include:

Explosions and Fire

Explosions are the most common of the lot with oil and gas being unapologetically flammable. It is not uncommon for flammable gasses and vapors to be released from the oil wells or wherever they may emanate from. These gasses are flammable so at the slightest provocation, boom they go!

Ignition sources could be something as tiny as static charges to something monumental like lightning.

Confined Spaces

Regardless of whether you are claustrophobic or not, imagine getting trapped in a slippery tank or mud pit or some other excavated hole. It doesn’t sound like a Sunday stroll in the park, does it? 

That’s the injury, here’s the salt: imagine being stuck in there, your only company being a flammable gas. Oh, and by the way, these gasses aren’t exactly pleasant to your respiratory system.

Confined spaces definitely pose a serious atmospheric challenge and must be classified as permit-required confined spaces.

Vehicle Collision

Although it may sound a bit of a stretch, vehicle collisions are still a pretty dangerous challenge to oil and gas safety. I don’t have to explain how accidents happen but roughly 4 out of every 10 oil and gas workers killed while on the clock die as a result of highway accidents.

Falls – Acrophobic Folks, Look Away or Better Yet, Don’t Look Down

It is common for workers to be required to access platforms and equipment located high above the ground. As such, you always run the risk of falls – fatal falls more often than not. 

I am no orthopedic doctor but a 300-foot fall doesn’t exactly sound like a back realignment. Any industrial safety blog out there will recommend fall protection from masts, drilling platforms and any other equipment that is more than a few meters high. 

Safety Tips for Oil and Gas Management

Running a near accident-free oil and gas expedition is not exactly your average-joe task and requires tremendous cooperation and work. If the textbook on high-risk work environments had a cover, oil and gas would be it. 

Everyday work practices and procedures need rigorous assessment from safety professionals to guarantee the safety of your workforce. Here is how you can help:

Be Aware of All Hazards

I suppose I kind of have already gotten you started on that. You need to have a clear idea of everything that can go wrong. After all, you can’t put in preventive measures for risks you do not understand. 

Experts suggest you put in extra attention within the confines of the rig. Even seemingly mundane actions like routinely logging small incidents can help in preventing the aforementioned small incident from escalating and blowing up – all too literally.

Never Stop Learning

You know what they say about room for improvement. You can never have too much information about oil and gas management so read those industrial safety blogs, newsletters and publications. 

You can always learn the best practices as well as what is in the market, what works and what doesn’t, perhaps even learn from other oil and gas magnates like yourself.


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