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Showing posts with the label IoT gateway software

Introduction To IoT Edge Devices: The difference between edge devices and a gateway.

  The Internet of Things (IoT) is snowballing, and the demand for edge devices is increasing. But what exactly are edge devices? And how are they different from a gateway? Take a look at the definition of an edge device and explore some of its key features. We'll also compare edge devices to gateways and discuss when you might need one or the other (or both) for your IoT project. IoT edge devices are devices placed at the edge of a network to connect the devices on the network and the outside world. IoT edge devices can connect to various networks, including the Internet, cellular networks, and local area networks (LANs). Edge devices usually have more processing power than IoT devices, such as sensors and actuators. This allows them to perform tasks such as data collection, data processing, and data communication. An IoT edge gateway is a device that sits at the edge of a network, often between an end user and a core network. An edge gateway can provide many functions, including...